On Tuesday, the Pakistan Cricket Board appointed Tauseef Ahmed as the temporary chief selector for the national team, as the position had been open ever since Inzamam ul Haq’s departure last month. The committee’s first task will be to pick the side for the three-match Test Series in Australia coming after the World Cup in 2023. Wajahatullah Wasti was selected to be the lead of the junior selection committee. Both of the new appointees were already members of the previous selection committee.
Inzamam had resigned on October 30th due to claims that he was the part-owner of an organization that manages cricketers. He stated that he made the decision to leave as he was questioned without proper research. Aalia Rasheed stated that Inzamam had the responsibility of notifying the PCB in regard to any potential conflicts of interest. Additionally, she clarified that Mohammad Rizwan, who is a director of a British-based company, is not part of the investigation concerning Inzamam in this particular conflict.
Notably, the media head added that the legal, audit, and finance departments are now involved, so it will take some time before they reach a decision.